Wiccan Terms

Adept: Someone, who through serious study and achievements, is considered highly proficient in a particular magical system.

Alchemy: A branch of magic developed in the Middle Ages which sought to turn base metals into gold.

Altar: A table or flat surface used to hold the symbols and tools during the performance of religious and magical rituals.

Amulet: A magically charged piece of jewelry, similar to a talisman, intended to bring good luck or protection to its owner.

Aromatherapy: The use of various flower, herb, oil and incense fragrances and smells.

Arcana: The name given to two halves of a tarot deck. 

Astral Plane: A place which is generally imagined as an invisible parallel world which remains unseen from our own solid world form.

Astral Projection: The process of separating your astral body from your physical one to accomplish travel on the astral plane

Astrology: The study and belief in the effects the movements and placements of planets and other heavenly bodies have on the lives and behavior of human beings.

Athame: A cleansed and consecrated ritual blade, usually with a blank handle. Never used to cut anything on the physical plane and only used during rituals.

Aura: The life energy that surrounds all living things.

Balefire: A fire lit, usually outdoors, for magical purposes and traditionally on Yule, Beltane, and Midsummer.

Bell: An altar tool, symbol of the Goddess and rung during ritual to invoke Her. Also rung to ward off negativity or evil and to evoke good energies.

Besom: a witches broom.

"Blessed Be": A phrase commonly used for greeting and parting.

Book of Shadows: A book of spells, rituals, and general magical lore.

Boline: A white handled knife used in the preparation of physical objects for use in a ritual ceremony.

Calling the Quarters: Verbal or symbolic acknowledgment of the Four Elements in a ritual environment.

Casting a Circle: Creating a mental magical sphere that encircles one's ritual working space. Enhances the ability to focus, raise power, and contain that power until the ritual is ready to release the energy.

Cauldron: A cast iron, three legged, cooking container used in rituals.

Chalice: A blessed cup used in magical rituals. Represents the Goddess.

Circle: A sacred consecrated space within which magic is worked. Provides both protection for the worker and holds the ritual energy.

Cone of Power: The name given to energy in a ritual circle.

Consecration: The act of blessing an object

Coven: A group of witches who join together for magic working, traditionally 13 people but may function with less.

Crone: The aspect of the Goddess represented by an old woman, the waning moon, the cauldron and the color black.

Deosil: Clockwise

Elements: A collective term for Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.

Esbat: A ritual occurring at the Full Moon.

Familiar: An animal that has a spiritual bond with a witch.

Glyph: An astrological symbol used to represent a sign of the Zodiac, a planet, aspect  or asteroid.

Grimoire: A book of ceremonies, rituals and spells. Often part of a Book of Shadows.

Hand Fasting: a Pagan wedding.

Invocation: To ritually or magically draw a spirit or deity into an object, place setting or target.

Libation: A drink offering made to a Deity or Spirit.

"Merry Meet": a phrase often used as a greeting.

Pentacle: A circle surrounding a five-pointed upright star or pentagram.

Polytheism: The name given to the belief in many gods.

Projective Hand: A person's dominant hand, also known as the sending hand.

Receptive Hand: A person's less dominant hand, is the hand through which energy will flow in through and will sense energy.

Runes: Letters from Old Norse and Teutonic cultures. Each letter has a symbolic meaning and power.

Sabbat: One of the eight seasonal festivals of the Wiccan year.

Skyclad: The act of celebrating a ritual unclothed or naked.

Sigil: A type of magical symbol.

Smudging: The burning of herbs to release their aromatic scent in order to purify an object, person, or area.

"So Mote It Be": A common expression meaning "As I will, so it will be."

Tarot: A deck of symbolic cards used for divination.

Thaumaturgy: The use of magic for nonreligious purposes. Using magic to actually change things on the Earth plane.

Third Eye: The psychic center, or eye, located in the center of the forehead between the eyes.

Tradition: An organized, structured, specific Wiccan subgroup.

Waning Moon: The phase of the moos between Full Moon and New Moon. The time for preforming banishing magic.

Waxing Moon: The phase of the moon from New Moon to Full Moon. The time for magic that involves growth and increase. 

Widdershins: anti-clockwise.